Tuesday Jun 4, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM EDT
Military Affairs Committee is held the 1st Tuesday of each month from 8:00am - 9:00am
Standard meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month from 8-9am at the Harford County Chamber; however, meetings are subject to flex and may be offered hybrid with a mix of in-person and Zoom, or strictly virtual via Zoom.
If you are interested in joining the group, or are looking for the latest information regarding the monthly meeting please contact Angela Rose at angela@harfordchamber.org.
Please be Advised: If the person is held in-person, the Harford County Chamber parking lot is reserved for staff and tenants only. You are welcome to park in MaGerk's parking lot next door ONLY UNTIL 11am when they open.
If interested, contact Angela Rose, Chamber President and Committee Staff Liaison, for more information.
Angela Rose angela@harfordchamber.org
Military Affairs Committee works with APG to build relationships between the installation and business community. Plans the annual Military Appreciation Luncheon to celebrate and honor our US Armed Forces as well as other veteran and military projects and initiatives throughout Harford County.
Printed courtesy of harfordchamber.org – Contact the Harford County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
108 South Bond Street, Bel Air , MD 21014 – (410) 838-2020 – natalie@harfordchamber.org