Coffee & Connections
Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM EDT
Coffee & Connections takes place every month on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 8:00-9:00 am.
Each month is hosted by one of our members!
This month is hosted by PK Law!
4690 Millennium Drive, Suite 200 Belcamp, MD 21017 (Water’s Edge Campus)
Free parking is located directly in front of the building. Please take the elevator or stairs up to the 2nd floor; PK Law is located in Suite 200.
This event is free for all Harford County Chamber members and first and second-time prospective members. We welcome guests to check out what the Harford County Chamber is all about!
If you are not a member of the Harford County Chamber of Commerce attending Coffee & Connections on a regular basis, we ask that you purchase a Recurring Networker ticket. As a membership organization, we take pride in providing benefit and value to our members.
Sponsorships are available! Check out available sponsorships here and choose the option you would like when you register!
Contact Information
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Join us for Coffee & Connections, your opportunity to network with dozens of local business professionals and receive increased promotion and visibility for your business!
This month we celebrate Juneteenth with our partners: Harford County Caucus of African American Leaders, Opulent Lady Business Association, and Harford County NAACP. Enjoy networking with members of these great organizations as well as additional information and resources for supporting minority-owned businesses!
Whether you are a new member to the Chamber, a new representative looking to engage on behalf of your organization, or a seasoned networker looking to connect with others in our local Harford County business community, Coffee & Connections is for you!
There will be ample time of open networking over coffee and refreshments. Be sure to drop your business card in the bowl to be included on and receive our follow-up email with attendee contact information to continue to grow your network! (Please notify the Chamber team if you do not want your information to be distributed.)