Jingle Mingle with the Harford County, Aberdeen, & Havre de Grace Chambers of Commerce
Date and Time
Thursday Dec 5, 2024
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
David Craig Park -
599 N. Union Avenue
Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Look for the big white tent!
$50 Individual Registration
Sponsorships Available! See the full list of sponsorships here.
Jingle Mingle holiday stockings are BACK by popular demand! Purchase a $25 stocking of cheer and local savings by adding one (or more!) to your registration list!
*Jingle Mingle tickets and sponsorships are sold separately.
Create a beautiful gingerbread house with your team and enter it into the Jingle Mingle competition! Please email Angela at angela@harfordchamber.org for a complimentary mini gingerbread house kit, decorate it with your team prior to the event, and then bring it with you to enter the competition! Winners will receive complimentary marketing benefits to use in 2025!
Contact Information
Please email Angela Rose with any questions
Send Email
Please join us as we "jingle" & "mingle" the night away! Get in your jolliest of holiday spirits with members and guests of the Harford County Chamber of Commerce, Havre de Grace Chamber of Commerce, and Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce! Enjoy a festive evening with great food and friends.
Wear you most festive or ugliest holiday attire as attendees vote on the best dressed! Prizes from Heated 4 U are awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places!
Enter your gingerbread house into our competition! Please email Angela at angela@harfordchamber.org for a complimentary mini ginger bread kit, decorate it with your team prior to the event, and then bring it with you and put it on display! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner will win Chamber marketing benefits!
Don't forget to purchase your holiday stocking full of local savings and cheer! Please email Natalie at natalie@harfordchamber.org if you would like to include something in the stockings.