Porch Talk: Women's Suffrage in Maryland
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
Thursday, April 18 - 3 to 5 pm
Sunday, April 21 - 1 to 3 pm
The Liriodendron
502 West Gordon St.
Bel Air, MD 21014
$5 - Tickets at https://bit.ly/PorchTalks
Contact Information
Brenna Kupferman
Send Email

The Women's Suffrage movement has deep roots in Maryland and Harford County. From St. Mary's County landowner Margaret Brent's petition for the right to vote in 1648 to Havre de Grace's own Elizabeth Chew Forbes' fight for the 19th Amendment and beyond, the stories of suffragists still inspire and resonate today.
Join us for a Porch Talk at the historic Liriodendron with members of the League of Women Voters as they share the history of Women's Suffrage in Maryland and the fight for women's rights through the decades.
Talks will be held on Thursday, April 18 at 3 pm, and Sunday, April 21 at 1 pm. Tickets cost $5. Porch talks will be held outdoors, weather permitting.
Visitors will be able to view our Votes for Women exhibit before and after the talk. Additional information about the exhibit may be found here: https://bit.ly/LirioGallery
Image of Lucy Branham courtesy of Maryland Women’s Heritage Center.